My response to Boris Gorbis
Here is my response to Boris Gorbis’ "The Bag of Flower Seeds Or the Sad Disorder of Moral Blindness". I appreciate Boris’ warm words about me and reciprocate his affection. Yes, we have have very different positions of how to save Israel, but both of us love Israel passionately, and it is not only healthy, but absolutely essential, to have this ongoing debate. So here is my response to Boris’ heartfelt words…
Boris starts by asserting that Walter Ruby is deluded, that I don’t know the Israel that exists, but rather am a spaced out American hippie with some tra-la-la emotional pie-in-the-sky yafe nefesh version of the lion lying down with the lamb. Well, not to pull rank here, but I spent over five years of my life living in Israel and speak good Hebrew. That doesn’t make me the world’s greatest expert on Israeli reality, but I know a thing or two about the place. I have covered Israel as a journalist for many years. I feel Israel in my kishkes. So I am not some starry eyed nincompoop, offering illogical ideas from afar.
Yes, when Boris and I sat together in a hotel lobby in Ramat Gan for an hour a couple of months ago, I did share with him my vision of Israelis and Palestinians finding a way to live in peace based in part of peoples’ diplomacy and allowing children on both sides as he puts it archly, to have “a bomb-free lunch time.” Absolutely! If we can’t aspire to such a future, then what is there to believe in? Is Boris ready to accept the prospect of perpetual war, with all that implies for the children of Israel? I believe with every fiber of my being, based on journalistic work spanning decades among both Israelis and Palestinians that considerable majorities on both sides want the killing and suffering to end. It’s their kids and grandkids whose lives are on the line, and I don’t think most would appreciate Boris telling them essentially that there is no hope for an end to the killing.
Unlike Boris, I think the lady with the bag of seed was on the right track. I believe passionately that if and when Israelis and Jews, Palestinians and Arabs, begin meeting, dialoguing and forming personal connections, they will not be able any more to see each other as abstractions—as shadowy symbols of evil as Boris sees the entire Palestinian/Arab collective. The Oslo process failed in large part because not enough effort was made by both sides to form that web of personal connections. There ought to have been a big organized effort to have Israeli doctors meet Palestinian doctors, teachers meeting teachers, and Israeli and Palestinian scout groups hiking together on both sides of the green line. That it didn’t happen was partly the fault of the Israeli peace camp—much of which preferred to separate from the Palestinians, rather than engage with them as human beings. But if the two sides don’t engage with each other as fellow human beings, they will never trust each other enough to take the very real risks involved in making peace. The failure of Oslo showed that a small elite of diplomats and government officials meeting in Norway and coming up with some complicated agreement is not enough to end a century of hostility. There needs to be sustained grass roots involvement.
How do I know? Because I have taken part in such efforts for years. I was part of a group that brought Israeli and Palestinian youngsters to a summer camp in Spain and watched them connect with each other. It wasn’t easy and there were setbacks, but by the end of the three week session meaningful relationships based on real affection had been formed. I doubt many of those kids were able to keep those connections alive because of the violence that ensued and the sealing of the two populations off from each other. But I believe those kids were changed profoundly by what they experienced and the Israeli ones will never be able to dismiss “them” as “the Other” some form of absolute evil, because they got to know kids named Ahmed and Maha and the Palestinian kids met Moshe and Orly.
And thousands of other brave Israelis and Palestinians who did take part in such efforts were changed and when conditions begin to improve will begin again to push forward on such efforts. Please click the following link for one such effort which has yielded important positive results in stimulating meaningful dialogue between Israeli Jews and Arabs, including rabbis and imams.
Boris, I agree with you that Soviet Jews learned a lot that I did not through their bitter experience over 70 years. You learned how to survive in an inhuman system where your identity as a Jew was denigrated and crushed every day on the pages of Pravda and Izvestia, by hearing the word zhid on the tramvai, being blackballed from MGU and a thousand other insults and hurts. I have enormous respect and love for Soviet Jews for surviving as intact Jews and human beings through all of that and having helped to destroy that system and having become free Jews and human beings. But I would argue strongly that what you endured in the USSR doesn’t make Soviet Jews the ultimate authority on Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which goes back decades before Soviet Jews arrived on the scene and has a whole different set of characteristics. The dynamic there is different than the Soviet Union under Stalin or Brezhnev. So it’s not, as you suggest, about being a “good Jew” who kisses the ass of the KPCC. It is about finding a way for the six million Jews of Israel to survive in a part of the world inhabited by hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims. How is that going to happen? Not by force of arms. Despite Boris’ martial instincts we can’t kill or subjugate them all. In fact, it turns out that even the mighty U.S. can’t impose its will on Iraq. Israel cant do it either.
Boris and I may not agree on much, but we share a belief in Israel’s moral right to exist over the Arabs’ moral right to destroy it. From the time I spent a year in Israel at the age of 12 back in 1962 (do the math), I have known in my gut that if Israel were to be destroyed I would not want to go on living. The question is how do we ensure Israel’s survival—by Boris’ way or mine? It is clear to me that the only way to guarantee Israel’s survival in the long term is through reconciliation with its neighbors and that egregious and unnecessary acts like grabbing their land, building settlements and holding people in cities like Hebron and Nablus under perpetual military occupation is not the way to achieve such a reconciliation.
Boris starts telling us about admittedly terrible acts committed by Palestinians, like tearing apart the bodies of Jews and demands if there has been even one such case among Jews. Yes, I remember a mob in Bet Shean back in the 80’s tearing apart several Arabs who carried out a bombing attack in a local market. Their fury was understandable, but yes, it did happen. Jews did tear Arabs into pieces. Nor can it be said that Jews have never murdered Arabs in cold blood just because they are Arabs, have never beaten or humiliated them just because they are Arabs. What about Baruch Goldstein or Ami Popper who methodically mowed down innocent Arabs? What about members of the Jewish underground in the West Bank who plotted to blow up a Palestinian school in Jerusalem? What about West Bank settlers who behave sadistically toward Arabs, use every opportunity to humiliate and enrage them, and delight in hacking down their olive groves? What about Israeli soldiers and Border Police who have been shown on many occasions to have unnecessarily killed Palestinians? What about soldiers at checkpoints who have prevented Palestinian women In labor from reaching hospitals on time; have allowed Palestinians who have heart attacks from getting to hospitals—allowing quite a few to die right there at the checkpoints.
So, Boris, don’t give me your self-righteous yerunda that the other side are stick figures of absolute evil and we are so clean and pure. The truth is that ongoing conflict causes cruelty by both sides, causes both sides to dehumanize the other to the point where it is easy to kill them, either with suicide bombs or katushyas on the Palestinian side or by dropping bombs from the sky or shooting live artillery fire into civilian areas of Gaza on the Israeli side. We do not destroy Muslim shrines? Well, Israeli extremists have been plotting for decades now to blow up the Dome of the Rock to make way for the third temple. The Shin Bet arrested a whole bunch of them back in the early 80’s when the plot had gotten to a serious point, but most served short jail terms or none at all.
We don’t engage in all the terrorist acts Boris lists that the Palestinians have committed? True, we don’t need to emply terrorism because we have a strong army to enforce a 40 year occupation on the Palestinians. They don’t have an army so they conduct their struggle by other means—very ugly ones. But how many Israelis and how many Palestinians were killed during the intifada? Four or five times as many Palestinians were killed and a big percentage of them were not terrorists but innocent civilians who got killed when the IDF turned downtown Gaza or Nablus into free-fire zones. Can you have the least bit of compassion for any of those victims, Boris? They too are human beings.
So there is great cruelty and acts of murderous violence on both sides and there will continue to be until the two sides find a way to end this horror. Many brave Israelis and Palestinians understand this and have tried to reach out to each other across the barricades. They understand that there can be no winners in the mutual bloodletting; only the blighting of the lives of this generation, the next and the one after that. It is indeed very unfortunate that so many ex-Soviet Jews are coming into this situation with the attitude that war is the only way because given the demographic weight of ex-Soviet aliyah, if those attitudes continue, it will make even further off the day that the two peoples reach reconciliation.
And finally, yes, with all my affection for Russian Jews, let me say directly that people who were dehumanized as zhidi and oppressed as a people, should not dehumanize and oppress another people. It is understandable why that happens, but it is shortsighted and morally wrong. Jews are not evil and Palestinians are not evil. They are two peoples claiming the same piece of land for the past 100 years and fighting each other for it. The experience of the last 100 years shows that neither side can vanquish the other. So despite the present day horror and bloodletting, despite militance and fundamentalism on both sides, sooner or later, there will be another serious attempt to find a way to peace. Our job, for the sake of the children of both Israel and Palestine, is to do whatever we can to make that day sooner rather than later.
I agree with anonymous. Walter you are so naïve and I don’t want to say “stupid.”
Let me expand on these other sentiments here.
Walter, there are many reasons why even those of us who love America with all our hearts call it "zemlya nepugannyx idiotov". Not because here, because of tort laws and strict liability, one can get paid for breaking a leg while robbing a house; and certainly not because we elected one to the White House -- Khruschev and Chamberlain had us beat by decades; but because of this incredible American ability, sophomoric in the strictest sense of the word, to apply great effort, skill and eloquence to score an own-goal; to bend over backwards to see an enemy viewpoint while going to great lengths to obscure your side's. Nor is this strictly and American phenomenon, but while it is found in many of our allies' cultures -- Israeli most prominently -- it is certainly absent from the ouvre of our adversaries.
Thank you for naming the Israeli-initiated homicides. The fact that you can enumerate them in a short paragraph, while those of the other side can only be statistically summarized in their quantity, proves a point.
Thank you for NOT naming Sabra and Shatila -- which only prove that, except for Israelis, armed Middle Easterners left unsupervised will have themselves a massacre.
And a word of moral superiority: it need not be so lofty as to cause nosebleeds, nor, as sometimes seems to be the case, death of oxygen deprivation. Yes, we need to deal fairly with our adversaries -- but not at the expense of dealing unfairly with ourselves. The best model for turning foe to friend is WW II -- and what most forget is that the Marshall plan would have been useless had germany not been pounded into rubble. In order for a sworn enemy to consider friendship, he must be beaten decisively. They must tire of fighting first -- if the winning side tires first it is no longer the winning side, regardless of casualty counts. Silnaya ruka is useless of itself; the bag of flower seeds works best if sown on scorched earth. Denazification of Germany is an excellent model for the dehamazification of Gaza, but denazification could not begin until the people saw what Nazis brought upon them. The bad seed will not be expelled until the pain of harboring it is unbearable; then, peace is likely.
Even the worst antisemites in the Soviet Union did not dance with Jewish entrails or play soccer with Jewish heads, like those "Palestinians" do. Such things occurred only during the Nazi occupation on Nazi-occupied land. How can one condemn Soviet antisemites for saying "zhid" in a tram, yet hold dialogue with "Palestinians"? What can be more ridiculous?
Go ask my Russian friends what they think about it.
If some antisemite were to kill a Jew in the Soviet Union, he would promptly end up in jail. And for playing with human guts or heads, he would be hung. No dialogue offered.
And in the U.S. too, he would soon be in jail.
During the mid-90's "peace process", I too gave peace a chance. But I knew when to say, "OK, the chance failed".
Here are my attempts to talk to Arabs
1) In about 1995 I was taking C++ (computer course) at SCU Fullerton (University in Southern California). I had an Iranian teacher. A very good teacher. When I had questions, I would go to his office during the office hours. He would answer my questions, and then we would chat a bit. He told me he had a young daughter, who was going to elementary school. And he told me a bit of his view of elementary school. It was all very nice.
About a year later I was planning to go to Israel, and I had to go to the post office for some related business. There I met my teacher with his daughter. We smiled, shook hands. I think we even chatted a bit, until he asked me what I was doing there. I said, "I just came here about my visa. I am going to Israel."
"You are going to Israel, ha?" he said. But it wasn't what he said, it was in his eyes, in the look he gave me. I know this look very well. I remember it from my geography teacher, and some other teachers and kids in my school. The look of hatred.
2) I met Salamat on the Internet. I don't even know if that was a man or a woman. Somehow I imagine her as a woman. It doesn't really matter. It was 1996. Salamat was a Palestinian from the territories. I used to be a supporter of the "peace process", but my support was quickly disappearing at the time. Salamat, as it seemed to me, and according to what she said herself, was trying to find common language and understanding with Jews. It was strange, though, because she was constantly heeping abuse on Israel, Israelis and occasionally Jews in general. And she was getting it back from all the other Jews on the Internet. Through all this, I tried to concentrate on finding common language and understanding. It was hard going, but after about a year there seemed to be first sign of progress: when a little Jewish girl was killed by terrorists, I got Salamat to simply express regret, without turning around and blaming it on Iraelis themselves. I saw it as the first tiny sign of progress in our tiny one-on-one dialogue.
And then it all fell apart, because a red heifer was born...
"Salamat, what are you talking about?" I said. "Yes, there is this animal born in America through genetic engineering, and it's a proof that Jews are planning to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque."
I went on the Internet and after some research found out that somewhere in the Jewish scriptures it says that at the foundation of a new Temple they should put the ashes of a red heifer. And it turns out that a purely red heifer is a rare thing, and just at that time one happened to be born in America. And I read from some major rabbi that this doesn't really mean much, that A red heifer does not mean THE red heifer, and that the Temple will be reborn only when the Messiah comes, and all wars will stop, and all mountains and valleys will be leveled and lions will lie down with lambs and all the rest of it. And so no one should get any ideas about building the new Temple, because clearly it's not the time now.
So I return to Salamat and give her all this, with references and links and all. I needn't have bothered. All I got back was "The Jews have created this animal through genetic engineering and artificial insemination, and it's a proof that all this peace talk is a Jewish plot to undermine Palestinian aspirations and to destroy the al-Aqsa mosque and to build the Jewish Temple in its place and to exterminate Palestinians, and Jews are in general a bunch of thieves and liars and apes and pigs and children of Shylock, and only fools trust Jews, and Jews are from the seed of Satan and bla-bla-bla-bla-bla...."
So much for finding common language and understanding. After this experience I realized that there can never be common language and understanding with Arabs, because there is so much suspicion and hatred there that birth of a red heifer or a green crocodile or an earthquake or a flood or just a good sunny day is enough to upset whatever one can possibly build. The Arabs are so determined to see us as the seed of Satan that they will see us this way no matter what.
3) Los Angeles, 2002. Pro-Israel rally. An Arab approaches me. "I will put a knife in your back, then we will be friends." Apparently, he had already assumed I would beg for friendship. Well, he was wrong. I do not need his friendship. My reply to him, "From your own ass into your own mouth. May you choke on your hatred."
Here is an attempt to talk to Arabs by several rabbies and the Hillel of UCIrvine. It didn't seem to go much better:
Does Israel Have a Right to Exist?
By Howard Charlop
On November 1st UCI hosted “Religious Diversity: An Interfaith Dialogue.” Dean of Students Sally Peterson, who served as moderator, and Vice Chancellor Manuel Gomez attended the program. The program was co-sponsored by Hillel and the Muslim Student Union. At the last minute however, the MSU withdrew their sponsorship.
The panelists were:
1. Rabbi Richard Steinberg, Congregation Shir Ha-Ma’alot, Irvine;
2. Reverend Gary Barmore, Fairview Community Church, Costa Mesa;
3. Sheik Sadullah Kahn, Executive Director of Religious Affairs, Islamic Center in Irvine, son in law of Imam Muzammil Siddiqi (Director of the Islamic Center of Orange County). Sheik Kahn arrived in Irvine from South Africa in 1998.
After some friendly discussion about religion by the participants, the audience was invited to ask questions. The first question came from a student who asked: Does Israel have a right to exist?
Rabbi Steinberg said he was a Zionist and then proceeded to explain the importance of Israel to the Jewish people.
Sheik Kahn said that all people have the right to Palestine, that he opposes Zionism, that Israel is a racist state and that the Palestinians are fighting for their freedom. He also said that Jews are not “the Chosen People;” we are all children of God. When he finished, a loud “Allah Akbar” was shouted three times from the back of the room by Muslim students.
Rabbi Steinberg responded by saying that words are very powerful. Looking at both Sally Peterson and Manual Gomez, he said that we must be sensitive about the way we speak. He said that a third of the Jews, 6 million people, were wiped out during WWII. He said that the University must do a better job of dealing with words. There was no response from the UCI administrators.
This was a “very educational” evening. One I will long remember.
That's what happens when Jews try to dialogue with Arabs. Arabs will spit Jews in the face (literally or figuratively), then yell "Allahu Akbar". If in the U.S. Arabs cannot rob Jews of life, they will at least rob Jews of dignity.
I certainly was not born hating Arabs. I am not easily swayed, and I don't follow crowds. I was not a hater, and I am still generally not a hater.
So who made me hate Arabs? Arabs themselves. Only Arabs themselves. Do I like it? I hate it. But then, I must do what I must do. There is no "want" or "like" here. There is no other choice.
We are destined to fight and to kill. The only other choice is to be killed. This is not our doing; this situation came from above and ago. I would wish there were another choice, except that I am not interested in pipedreams and empty wishes.
A regular occurence in "Palestine" are grandiose funerals of "martyrs", attended by thousands of gun-wielding men, future "martyrs" dressed in white, numerous speeches of revenge, congratulations to the parents of the "martyr" on getting their son into Heaven, teachers letting children out of school to attend the funeral, giving out of sweets and tea, etc., etc., etc. Thousands of people - the entire town - come out to celebrate killing of Jews
Mr. Ruby is ready to forgive "Palestinians" all that, plus all the murders, mutilations, dances on 9/11, dances with human guts and soccer with human heads, all the "Allahu Akbar" and the rest.
Yet when one stupid evangelical teacher utters a stupidity about Jesus and heaven, he is all too ready to throw hell and damnation at all 7 million Evangelical Christians, despite all the support so many thousands (possibly millions) have given to Israel. Where did the desire for dialogue go? What about peace? What about forgiveness? What about all the rest of stuff he proposes towards "Palestinians".
How typically liberal/leftist. They profess to love people, to love humanity. But ask them about conservatives, and watch huge flames of hatred come out. Conservatives at least don't pretend to love humanity.
I would rather listen to a hundred lectures about Jesus that have my head cut off to be used as a soccer ball. I guess Mr. Ruby think diffferently.
I will not be as polite or nice as Boris Gorbis. I have no love or patience for Mr. Ruby and people like him. Because they (the "peace camp" do-gooders) have a lot of blood on their hands (both Jewish and Arab, but I am currently concerned with the Jewish blood), yet refuse to acknowledge it. Because, like all leftists, they have these enormous, hideous bloody shadows, yet never dare to look at them (look at themselves), always lecturing the rest of humanity or jumping from one ruined place to another (from Russia to China to Cuba to Nicarragua), never realizing that they are the ones who have ruined them.
And now the hideous shadow of the left has engulfed the Middle East - a place screwed up enough even without them.
And because indeed "a man does not live by bread alone," and a human being needs dignity, and they are Jews without dignity, ready to lick any Arab's ass for any mirage of peace. (Which is why there is no peace, which is why there is blood on their hands.)
Mr. Ruby, with all due respect, GET LOST!!!
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