Bush and Putin--the worst people in the world
The news these days stinks all over the world, but one is constantly shocked by the absolute nadir, willfull blindness, stupidity and thuggishness, absolute retrograde thinking represented by two of the most powerful men in the world, George Bush and Vladimir Putin.The other day we had news that the representatives of the Bush Administration were adamantly rejecting calls by Germany and other European states to set mandatory emissions targets as well as language calling for G8 nations to raise overall energy efficiencies by 20 percent by 2020. The Washington Post obtained documents showing the Bush team rejecting a call for a statement by the G8 calling for limiting the worldwide temperature rise this century to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit and cutting global greenhouse gas emissions to 50 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. "The US still has serious, fundamental concerns about this draft statement," The Post quotes a document dated May 14 as saying, citing an unnamed Administration source as saying, "The treatment of climate change runs counter to our overall position and crosses multiple 'red lines' in terms of what we simply cannot agree to... We have tried to 'tread lightly' but there is only so far we can go given our fundamental opposition to the German position."
What the hell is the matter with these people? Bush is Nero fiddling away while the world burns, and he is ensuring that he will be cursed by future generations--starting with the generation of his children and grandchildren who will have to inhabit the degraded world he is helping to ensure. When did it become "conservative" to deny incontrovertible scientific evidence and insist that we have the right to go on destroying the environment for the sake of the American economy--as though the economy wont be negatively effected by a world of catastrophically altered climate and coastline cities being swallowed up by rising seas? The people that run this sicko Administration arent conservative (which is supposed to be about conserving basic values and ensuring a decent future for future generations), These people are just plain nuts.
As for Putin, I just watched a CNN video of gay activists, including European parliamentarians, getting beaten up by Russian fascist thugs in front of the Moscow munciplality while the police stand idly by, until the OMON troops come in later--and arrest the gay activists. Russia is again becoming a brutal land where the rule of law is a complete joke--its the KGB iron fist all over again. Meanwhile, Luzhkov, once a liberal and now desperately licking Putin's ass, calls gays "satanic"--if he wants to see satanic, he ought to take a look at the crew cut and skinhead nasties who were allowed by his police to beat brave up gay activists--both Russian and foreign--with impunity. If he wants to see satanic, he ought to take a look at his president who has taken the bright promise of democratic Russia and thrust the country back to Brezhnev times.
Here I am again, this time mostly agreeing.
"Mostly," because you are taking the break-up of the gay pride parade at face value -- you think they were attacked "qua" gays and the europarlamentarians got caught in the melee. I rather think it was the other way around: the attack was on the perceived infiltration by the West of the Russian way of life (that is, introducing yet another interest group into the parliamentary fragmentation of the nation), with the gays caught in the middle. Does this make any sense?
I am also, mostly, with you on the carbon dioxide issue -- although I don't think the tie-in of global warming and human-initiated carbon dioxide release is as iron clad as you think -- mostly because I really don't like the idea of who we are paying for the combustible hydrocarbons. The current administration is worse than evil, worse than uncaring, worse than deceptive. It is ineffective.
Another thought (yes, that was me in the previous post): It is difficult to see how another administration would have done any worse in the US; it is just as difficult to imagine a Russian administration that could have done any better. I worry over the post-Vovan a lot more than over post-W.
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