The Links Are Up At Last!!??
Dima Zabarko, my intrepid webmaster qua connection to the younger generation of 'raised in America' Russian Jews has put up the links on rubyjewsday. Wat tak, na kanyetz. Or so Dima tells me and so my equally intrepid brother Dan--another web genius with his own multifaceted site claims.
The problem is ya nichevo nye viju, I cant see the flocking links even though I keep refreshing and trying. How to see them? Dan tells me the following;
"Walter, To see them, you may have to empty your cache or clear history or whatever they call it in Explorer. It is probably under the tools menu. You might also consider downloading Firefox and use that as your browser instead of Explorer. It is available for free at
OK, whatever. Cant you guys speak English, Russian, Ivreet, Swahili,. anything except this damn web parlance? Hey, I'm from a previous generation. Nu charasho, I'll get there yet. What I really want to know is if Dima, Lenny Gusel, Lenny Petlakh or any others of this moladoye pokoleniye is about to invent the new 'You Tube', Russian variant, and let me invest in it. Nu, davai, reebyata, I'm not getting any younger. Dima got me into this blog by holding out prospects it could eventually become a money maker; now that we (allegedly) have our links, its time to start thinking in that direction. I've done my part (sort of), what I want to know is when Google is going to come around offering millions (I realize billions probably wont happen) to buy me out. I'm even ready to sell out to a Republican or a Likudnik if the price is right.
OK, a few announcements. As promised, I'll have up my thought piece on Putin and the Russian-American Jewish Community: Engagement or New Cold War in the next couple of days...On Monday, I'm flying to good old Eretz Israel for a conference at Bar Ilan University on the global Russian community. There should be some excellent commentary coming out of that, including perspectives from Israeli Russians on Avigdor Lieberman, the Russian man on horseback, aka silnaya ruka, and possible future Prime Minister. So good stuff coming up. Life is sweet, and there is much to write ---nu, if I could only see those damn links.
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